5 Ways to Get More Likes and Shares Through Hooks

5 Ways to Get More Likes and Shares Through Hooks

5 effective hooks to get people interested in what you say

First, Let’s talk about what a “hook” is. It’s the first thing you say that grabs attention.

It should be:

♦ so interesting that people can’t ignore it

♦ short and snappy (around 10 words or less)

♦ extra good if it talks about something your audience cares about.

Here are 5 kinds of hooks I use:

1) How I Did It

♦ Share how you did something.

♦ Make it simple so others can do it too.

Example: “How I changed from a teacher to a writer.”

2) Teach Something

♦ Teach people something new.

♦ Most of my posts are about teaching.

Example: “10 important facts about LinkedIn.”

3) Say Something Different

♦ Say something surprising to get attention.

♦ Some people might not agree, but that’s okay.

Example: “It’s hard to balance work and life.”

4) Tell a Big Secret

♦ Say something shocking.

♦ But make sure it’s true, or people won’t trust you.

Example: “I didn’t know about my divorce until it happened.”

5) Make a List

♦ Lists are the best kind of posts on LinkedIn.

Example: “5 great ways to get people interested in what you say.”

I hope you understand.

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